Auto insurance is what every driver in the state of Ohio needs. This type of insurance protects your car, you as a driver, other passengers, and other parties on the road. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions and myths about auto insurance that you should know about before buying a policy. Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. serving clients in Westerville, OH prepared a list of the most common of them:
Most Common Myths About Auto Insurance
Here is a list of very common misconceptions about car insurance:
- Getting insurance for a red car costs more money. There is a belief that red cars are more expensive in terms of the insurance. However, the color of a car is not one of those factors that have an impact on the price of auto insurance.
- Expensive cars cost more to insure. It does not matter what is the purchase price of your car. There are many mid-priced vehicles that cost more to insure.
- Traffic tickets automatically increase the cost of insurance. It depends on the type of violation. If your violation is minor, your car insurance will not be affected.
- To carry a state minimum car insurance is enough. The state of Ohio requires all drivers to carry a certain minimum amount of liability insurance. However, it is important to understand that in most cases this amount will not be enough to cover a car accident.
If you are a car owner living in Westerville, OH or any other town in Ohio, Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. will be glad to help you find insurance that you need and deserve. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our agency and talk to any of our insurance agents.