I’m young and healthy. Do I really need health insurance?

Many people may question whether or not they need health insurance. This is particularly true of people who are young and healthy. However, health insurance has many positive benefits, even for young people. Our Westerville, OH team at Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. is committed to helping people understand the benefits of health insurance at any age.

What is health insurance?

Health insurance is similar to many forms of insurance in that you pay a premium to receive benefits. A health insurance premium is paid in exchange for discounted medical services. The financial savings that health insurance provides are a benefit because anyone can unexpectedly become sick or have an accident and other unexpected sicknesses. Health insurance can cover the cost of many illnesses, preventing you from having to pay high and unanticipated medical costs. Even "expected" medical costs can be high. Health insurance helps with both expected and unexpected medical expenses. In other words, health insurance can significantly reduce the cost of healthcare. When you have health insurance, you typically pay a set fee or copay for doctors’ visits and also receive discounts on prescription drugs. Some health plans may cover the entire cost of prescription drugs.

I’m young and healthy. Do I need health insurance?

Maybe. Even young people can become unexpectedly sick. However, healthcare gives people access to preventative care, which is essential for staying healthy or preventing sickness. As a result, health insurance also benefits healthy young people. Preventive care, in addition to emergency care and routine treatments for sickness, can make health insurance a wise investment for young people. Also, if you get health insurance at a young age, you can lock in better healthcare rates. This can be cost-saving as you get older. If you have questions about health insurance, call us. We’d be happy to help you explore your options. 

Can You Buy Life Insurance Without an Exam?

Life insurance is an important financial planning tool. Life insurance is an excellent option if you want to create a more secure future for your family or business partner. Residents living in and around the Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. are proud to offer the residents of Westerville, OH quality insurance products they can count on to give them peace of mind. 

Life Insurance Coverage

Life insurance isn’t a one-size-fits-all product. There are many types of life insurance, and the policy provider may require you to have a physical examination. Not all insurance policies require you to have a medical exam, however. The best way to determine which policies require this type of medical examination is to consult a licensed insurance agent. Based on your needs, they can recommend policies that suit your needs. 

Our highly knowledgeable agents can work with you to determine your needs and preferences for policy pre-qualifications. Once they understand your needs, they can work with you to provide the most beneficial recommendations. Not only can they assist you with submitting documents necessary to secure the policy, but they can also support you should you need to make any changes or provide beneficiaries with support for claims submissions. It’s all a part of our commitment to excellence and dedication to ensuring customer satisfaction. 

Contact Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. Today

If you want to learn more about life insurance and your different pre-qualifications and options, please call or stop by Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. We are committed to offering the residents of Westerville, OH, insurance protection they can trust. Let us help you plan for the future. 

Top Three Ways To Prepare Teens for Driving

It can be nerve-wracking as your teen gets closer and closer to driving age. Although there can be a lot of anxiety associated with this season, you can take steps to better prepare your teen for this responsibility. The better prepared they are, the more you can relax. Here at Associated Insurance Agencies Inc., serving Westerville, OH, and the surrounding areas, we want to help you prepare for this important time in life. Keep reading to learn about ways to prepare your teen for driving. 

Drivers’ Ed 

Putting your child through a thorough driver’s ed program is a great way to prepare them for time on the road. If your child’s school does not provide driver’s ed as a class or if your child cannot take the course, there are other options. You can get private driver’s ed from local driving instructors. There are also online driver’s ed options as well. Students can complete lessons online while doing the required amount of road training in the vehicle with a parent or guardian. 

Honest Conversations 

You need to have honest, hard conversations with your child about the dangers of distracted driving and intoxicated driving. Kids need to hear the harsh realities of what can happen if they engage in unsafe behaviors while behind the wheel. Although you may not want to think about things like that or scare your child, remember, it is better that they be a little scared than that they are injured or injure someone. 

Real Consequences 

It is also essential that your child knows there will be real consequences if they do not abide by the standards you have established for safe driving. 

If you want to learn about auto insurance, contact us at Associated Insurance Agencies Inc., which serves Westerville, OH, and the surrounding areas. 

The importance of wearing a helmet every time you get on a motorcycle

It’s no surprise that wearing a motorcycle helmet is essential here in the Westerville, OH area and everywhere in between. Helmets are the single most crucial piece of safety equipment for riders and should be worn at all times. At Associated Insurance Agencies Inc., we remind all customers that it helps to protect your head from severe injury or death in the case of an accident. Many states have passed laws requiring motorcyclists to wear helmets, and research has consistently found that helmet use reduces the risk of death by 37% and severe injuries by 69%. 

Wearing a helmet may seem like an inconvenience, but it could save your life in an accident. It’s not only important for riders to wear helmets – passengers should also wear them for their own protection. Furthermore, wearing brightly colored protective gear will make you more visible on the road and reduce your chances of colliding with another vehicle. 

No matter how experienced a rider you are, wearing a helmet every time you ride should always be non-negotiable. Take the necessary steps to ensure your safety when riding by investing in a high-quality helmet and other protective gear that fits properly and meets safety standards. When it comes to motorcycle safety, don’t take shortcuts – always wear a helmet!

For more safety tips, call us at Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. today. We would also be happy to help you find a motorcycle policy that will keep you covered whenever you get on your bike. We are proud to serve the Westerville, OH area.

Umbrella Insurance vs. Standard Insurance: What’s the Difference?

Understanding the differences between umbrella and standard insurance is essential for protecting your assets and financial future. Associated Insurance Agencies Inc., an insurance provider in Westerville, OH, is committed to ensuring clients are well-informed about their insurance options. Learn the critical distinctions between umbrella and standard insurance and what is important about each.

Umbrella Insurance: Broad Protection

Umbrella insurance provides an extra layer of protection beyond the limits of your standard insurance policies, such as home, auto, and boat insurance. It covers claims that may not be fully addressed by your other policies, offering:

  • Additional liability coverage
  • Legal defense costs
  • Protection against slander and libel
  • Coverage for rental units you own

Standard Insurance: Specific Coverage

Standard insurance policies are designed to cover specific assets or situations. These include:

  • Homeowners Insurance
  • Auto Insurance
  • Life Insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Renters Insurance

Key Differences: Coverage Limits, Scope, and Flexibility

  • Coverage limits: Standard insurance policies have set limits, while umbrella insurance extends coverage beyond these limits.
  • Scope: Umbrella insurance covers a broader range of risks compared to standard insurance policies.
  • Flexibility: Umbrella insurance can be customized to fit your needs, whereas standard policies often have predetermined coverage options.

Evaluating Your Insurance Needs

As your life circumstances change, so do your insurance needs. Therefore, it’s essential to periodically review your coverage to ensure it remains adequate and relevant. When assessing your insurance requirements, consider family dynamics, career progression, and any additional assets you’ve acquired. By staying proactive and adjusting your insurance policies as needed, you can have peace of mind knowing that your financial future is well-protected.

Give Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. a Call Today!

Don’t leave your assets and financial future to chance. Contact Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. in Westerville, OH, at 800-935-2335 today to discuss your insurance options and find the right coverage for your unique needs. Together, we can help protect what matters most to you.

Are Solar Panels Covered By Your Home Insurance Policy?

More homeowners are opting to install solar panels on their homes to help them produce clean energy. As such, people often wonder if these types of panels are covered by their home insurance policy. Here at Associated Insurance Agencies Inc., serving the greater Westerville, OH region, we want to provide you with the answer to this question. Read on to learn more. 

Does Your Home Insurance Policy cover Solar Panels? 

Most home insurance policies will cover your solar panels as long as they are installed on your home, such as mounted to your roof. If you have standalone solar panels installed, which is more common for commercial spaces and pretty rare for homeowners, your panels may not be covered. If your policy covers your panels, it is important to understand that the panels are only covered with covered events for your policy. For example, earthquake damage is typically not covered by a standard homeowners policy, so damage to your solar panels by an earthquake would not be covered. 

Do You Need to Notify Your Home Insurance Company You Installed the Panels? 

You do not need to notify your home insurance company if you install solar panels on your home. However, solar panels are pricey, so you may need to increase your home insurance policy limit after installing solar panels. 

Your home insurance policy generally covers rooftop solar panels, but many homeowners need to increase their policy limits to ensure they have enough coverage after installing solar panels. Suppose you are preparing to install solar panels and need to up your policy limit or find a new home insurance policy. In that case, Associated Insurance Agencies Inc., serving Westerville, OH, would love to help you. Contact us now to get started. 

The difference between whole and term life policies

Whole and term life insurance policies are two of the most popular types available at Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. While both provide financial protection for surviving family members in the Westerville, OH area, they have distinct features that make them unique. 

Whole life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance policy that provides coverage for your entire lifetime as long as you continue to pay premiums. Whole life policies accumulate cash value over time, which can be used to help cover future premiums or as collateral for loans. Whole life policies also include a death benefit that pays out when you pass away.

Term life insurance provides a death benefit for a period of 10-30 years. During this period, you pay an annual premium, and your family will receive the death benefit if you die before the term ends. Unlike whole life policies, term policies do not accumulate cash value and will not pay out when the policy expires. 

The decision between whole and term life insurance depends on what coverage fits your needs best. If you need lifelong coverage with a cash value component, whole life is the way to go; if you need coverage for a fixed period, look into a term policy. Knowing the difference between these two policy types can help give you peace of mind that your family will be cared for after you pass away.

If you have additional questions about life insurance or want to find a policy that works for you, call us at Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. today. We proudly serve the Westerville, OH area.

Updating Your Car Insurance Policy After Modifications

If you have recently made modifications to your vehicle in Westerville, OH, then it is likely time to update your car insurance policy. Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. can help you explore why you should let your insurance provider know about any modifications you make to your vehicle. 

Reasons to Update Your Policy After Making Vehicle Modifications 

The first reason you want to update your policy after making modifications is that it can change the car’s value. For example, if you add a new sound system, this could increase the value of the vehicle. As a result, the payout could be higher than your policy initially stated if something happens, like an accident or theft.

Another reason why it is important to keep your policy up-to-date after making changes is because certain modifications may require additional coverage. For instance, if you are adding an improved safety feature such as blind spot detection or lane-keeping technology, then this may need additional coverage from your provider.

In addition to increased safety features, other popular modifications can include changing out tires for better performance on different terrains or adding a turbocharger to boost performance and speed. While these modifications may seem like they don’t affect much at first glance, there are many aspects of how they impact what type of coverage you need, how much it will cost, and how much liability protection is required by law.

More Questions? Contact Associated Insurance Agencies Today

In conclusion, it is important to update your Ohio auto insurance policy whenever you modify or update your vehicle. Contact Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. today, and we can answer any questions.

Two Main Types of Life Insurance

There are two main types of life insurance that you can get. The two types are very different, and it’s a good idea to understand them both before choosing the best policy type for you. Each comes with its own benefits as well as its drawbacks. When you need life insurance to protect your loved ones, give us a call today at Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. in Westerville, OH.

Whole Life Policies

A whole life insurance policy is a type that is popular for its many benefits. It is named the way it is because it covers you for the whole duration of your life. Even if you become quite elderly, the policy will stay in effect if you keep making the premium payments as agreed in the contract. If you do that, the company can’t cancel your policy, which will stay in place until you pass. Keeping your policy also builds a value that is there for you should you need it. This is an amount that you can borrow if you should ever have a financial problem and need the cash. 

Term Life Policies

When you have a term life policy, it has the benefit of being inexpensive. This type of policy is popular for its low price. However, it is also named for the amount of time it lasts, for a specific term. These policies have a set period that they last, and then they will expire. This can be a drawback, but many people find that it’s the only type they can afford on their budgets. 

Get Life Insurance

When you need to get a life insurance policy put in place, call us at Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. in Westerville, OH.

How much car insurance do I need? Is the state minimum enough?

You’re driving along and minding your business when another car rear-ends you. Thankfully, you’re unharmed, but your car is totaled. Now what? Do you have enough car insurance to cover the damage? Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. is here to answer your questions.

Ohio requires all drivers to carry a minimum amount of car insurance, but is that enough to protect you financially if you’re in an accident? Unfortunately, the answer is usually no. 

The State Minimum Is Usually Not Enough 

You hit a pedestrian with your car, and they suffer severe injuries. The average hospital stay in Westerville, OH, costs about $10,000, so if your medical coverage only pays $5,000 per person and $10,000 per accident, you could be on the hook for the remaining $5,000. And that’s not even considering any lost wages or pain and suffering damages the pedestrian may be awarded. 

How Much Insurance Should You Have for Your Car? 

So, how much do you need if the state minimum isn’t enough? That depends on a few factors, such as your assets and how much risk you’re willing to take on. However, most financial experts recommend carrying at least $100,000 per person and $300,000 per accident in bodily injury liability coverage. Additionally, it’s also good to carry $50,000 in property damage liability coverage. 

The state minimum amount of car insurance is usually not enough to protect you financially if you’re involved in an accident. Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. recommends carrying a higher amount in bodily injury liability coverage and property damage liability coverage in Westerville, OH. Contact us today, and we’ll find the right amount of coverage for your needs.