Demystifying Popular Umbrella Insurance Myths

Various myths can confuse you when looking for umbrella insurance coverage in Westerville, OH, particularly if you are a newbie. For this reason, Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. highlights popular insurance myths to avoid.

Myth#1: Umbrella insurance is only for the rich and famous

This is not true at all! The truth is that an umbrella policy can be beneficial even when your net worth is low or moderate. Since anyone can be sued, umbrella insurance is ideal for anyone earning a livelihood.

Myth#2: Umbrella insurance is costly 

Another common myth. Since umbrella insurance rides on other coverages, it’s not that expensive. In fact, for the liability coverage it gives you, the amount of premium you pay is only a fraction of the price.  

Myth#3: I’m too young to need umbrella insurance 

That’s just plain misleading. Young people face unique challenges such as buying homes, participating in risky hobbies, starting families, owning dangerous pets, and starting businesses. This means that young people are exposed to the same risks as older folks, and considering umbrella insurance is a great choice.

Myth#4: I already have enough insurance, so I don’t need umbrella coverage

Most people think this way because they believe that their existing insurance policies cover everything. But there are always gaps between what we expect our current insurance to pay and what actually happens.

For instance, you may have liability coverage in your auto insurance, but it may only stretch far when involved in a severe accident. It’s in such incidences that umbrella insurance steps in to save your assets.

Myth#5: I’ll never use my umbrella policy 

How could you say something like that? An umbrella insurance policy protects you against unexpected events that exceed your primary liability limits. These include lawsuits, medical bills, property damage, and lost wages due to injury that can occur to anyone.  

Now that you know the truth regarding umbrella insurance, don’t let anyone confuse you. Reach out to Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. in Westerville, OH, for umbrella insurance coverage and other clarifications you might need. 

Health insurance FAQ’s

Choosing your health insurance is one of the most important decisions you make every year. The quality of your health care is directly affected by your health insurance and whether you have coverage. If you aren’t covered you may delay or avoid getting the preventive care that you need. This can be damaging to your health in the long run. At Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. in Westerville, OH we were established in 1923 and as independent agents, we are able to offer our customers the finest national and regional carriers to provide for their insurance needs. 

Is my doctor on the plan? 

If you have a doctor you prefer to use for your regular health care it is important they take the insurance you are planning to get. Every plan has a network of providers they contract with, and it is easy to find out what plans your doctor takes. 

How much will the insurance cost me per month?

At the end of the day, you need to be able to afford whatever plan you are considering. It is a primary consideration and letting your agent know what you can afford to pay is vital. 

What is the plan deducible? 

Every plan has a deductible that has to be met before coverage begins. You need to balance the deductible with the amount you will be paying each month to make sure it makes sense. 

Does the health insurance include prescriptions, dental, and vision? 

In addition to basic medical care, you can get extras with your health insurance. If you have prescription medication that you take, you want to make sure it is included with your plan. Vision and dental are also important coverage that most people want. 

Call or visit Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. in Westerville, OH when you are ready to choose your health insurance. 

How Does Life Insurance Work?

There are many ways you can protect your loved ones, and one of them is through life insurance. At Associated Insurance Agencies Inc, serving the people of  Westerville, OH, we strive to help you understand why you should consider getting life insurance.

What is Life Insurance

Life insurance is basically a contract between you and an insurance company where you pay premiums in exchange for a lump sum called a death benefit paid to your beneficiaries upon your death. Below are the different types of life insurance policies and how they work.

Term Life Insurance

Apart from being the most popular life insurance policy, it is also the most affordable. Term life insurance provides coverage over a certain period, and the premium amount paid stays the same during the whole duration of the policy. Should you die within the period or term, your policy states your beneficiaries can claim the death benefit, which is tax-free.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance provides a fixed death benefit as long as one keeps paying sufficient premiums and meets all their policy requirements. It comes with a cash value feature that you can utilize while alive. One can also redeem their cover, which leads to most people using it in retirement. However, your loved ones can also receive the death benefits upon your passing, hence securing their future.

Universal Life Insurance

Universal life is a type of permanent life policy. It comes with a cash value feature allowing you to invest in your preferred market. When you pass away, your beneficiaries receive the death benefit, which they can use to cover various expenses like mortgage, tuition fees, or pay any pending debt.

You can contact us at Associated Insurance Agencies Inc, for assistance in choosing a policy that will adequately protect your loved ones. We strive to serve all our Westerville, OH clients well, ensuring they have peace of mind that their beneficiaries are well taken care of.

Why basic auto insurance isn’t always the right choice

Ohio has a basic amount of auto insurance it requires all drivers to have. While some people may feel that this is an amount of auto insurance that will fully protect them, for others it just won’t be the right amount. Not only do you need to access how much liability coverage you need, but you also need to decide on other auto insurance options available.  At Associated Insurance Agencies Westerville, OH, our business is making sure our customers have the insurance they need to be in compliance with the law and to give them the protection they need. 

In Ohio, drivers are required to carry liability insurance on their vehicles. 25/50/25 is the basic amount of required insurance you can legally get away with. That is $25,000 for injuries and medical bills for the first injured person in an accident you caused and a total of $50.000 for the injuries for the total accident. $25,000 is for damages that affected property. Given what a hospital stay can cost and what a vehicle sells for, this is on the lower side. 

If you have a reasonable amount of assets if you own a home, a business, a cabin or just about anything you could be in danger of losing them if a judgment was won against you that is in excess of the basic amount of liability insurance that is required. Talk to your insurance agent about the amount of liability insurance that would give you the level of coverage you need. 

Collision and comprehensive coverage protect your vehicle. If you use your vehicle every day to get to work, to the store, to drop off kids, or other daily activities, it is important you have insurance that would repair or replace that vehicle in the event of an accident. 

Contact Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. in Westerville, OH, to discuss your insurance needs. 

4 Benefits of Purchasing Ohio Motorcycle Insurance

If you own a bike in Westerville, OH, you already know the importance of having insurance coverage. Besides protecting your investment, most states require you to carry motorcycle insurance before you get to the road. Otherwise, you may get hefty fines and risk losing your license. 

 But why would you want to be on the wrong side of the law, yet you can get your motorcycle insurance from Associated Insurance Agencies Inc? Just like the rest of your safety gears protect you on the road, insurance also comes in handy. Here are some benefits you can enjoy with a robust motorcycle insurance policy. 

Liability coverage

Motorcycle insurance covers you in case your bike causes injury to another person or damages their property. The policy pays for associated bills and costs for accidents you cause.

Compliance with law

Perhaps most people get motorcycle insurance because it’s a requirement by law. Even though you have the appropriate training and licensing to own a bike, you must have appropriate motorcycle insurance to ride on the road. Ohio requires riders to include bodily injury and property damage liability in their motorcycle insurance. 

It covers the cost of your injuries

Bikers are at high risk of bodily injuries because the bike has no walls or airbags. To that end, medical payments or personal injury protection (PIP) coverage is a must-have add-on to your motorcycle insurance if you don’t have health insurance.

Immediate help after an accident or a breakdown

Some policies will give you immediate roadside assistance in case of a breakdown or an accident. This includes towing your bike to the nearest skilled repair facility. Convenient? Right?

Owning a motorcycle comes with lots of benefits. The obvious one being cheap gas, not to mention the feeling of cruising down the lanes with a bike. Unfortunately, motorcycles are more dangerous to ride on than cars, so buying motorcycle insurance is non-negotiable.

Motorcycle insurance in Westerville, OH

If you would like to purchase motorcycle insurance, don’t look beyond Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. Contact us today for an affordable quote.

Benefits of Getting Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance may seem like a general coverage designed to protect only expensive assets for Westerville, OH residents, while it is, in fact, one of the essential policies that protect you during your everyday life. To help you understand what you stand to gain from getting umbrella insurance, Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. outlines three benefits of this cover.

Protects Your Assets

When you cause an accident involving significant property damage or bodily injury to others, your underlying auto or home insurance limit could easily get exhausted, leaving you with huge expenses to take care of. This would likely mean letting go of some assets to cover the remaining damages, causing a substantial dent in your finances. Umbrella insurance, however, covers you against such occurrences, keeping your assets and income intact when your primary insurance can no longer protect you.

Provides Flexible Coverage Options

Unlike other policies, umbrella insurance allows you to scale up or down your needs based on your primary insurance options. If, for instance, your underlying policy does not cover options such as libel, false arrest, and liability claims for your rental units, umbrella insurance will take care of these claims. With this in mind, you get extra liability coverage under one cover, not just for yourself but also for other covered members of your family.

Protects You From Costly Lawsuits

Getting a lawsuit in today’s society is more common than you think, a factor that may be also be linked to their increased costs. If you own a business, are a public figure, or occasionally host parties within your Westerville, OH residence, these factors are likely to expose you to lawsuits. With umbrella insurance, you can protect yourself from any liability claims, ensuring you live your life without any fear.

Your insurance should cater to all aspects of your life without leaving any gaps that could crumble down when an emergency arises. To enjoy these benefits of umbrella insurance, consider reaching out to Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. today.

Why do you need health insurance in Westerville?

The Westerville, OH area can be a great place to live. Those that do live in this area are going to have many insurance needs. A common form of insurance that all people need to spend time thinking about is health insurance. There are several reasons why you need to obtain a health insurance plan if you live here.

Health Insurance is Required

For almost everybody today, having a proper health insurance plan is required by law. Everyone will need to provide evidence that they have insurance coverage at the end of the year when their income taxes are filed. Those that do not maintain coverage will have to pay a fine if they cannot provide evidence of coverage.

Access to Affordable Care

Being able to see a doctor or get the care that you need when you need it is very important and could help you live a healthy and fulfilling life. If you would like to see a doctor when you are in this area of Ohio, having health insurance will help to reduce your total costs. Further, it will give you access to a network of doctors and other healthcare professionals that you can see for a variety of purposes. This could help you to save money while also encouraging you to live a healthier overall lifestyle in the future. 

You need to make sure that you get proper health insurance when you live in the Westerville, OH area. Anyone that would like to get this insurance protection here should call Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. There are always many benefits that come when you call Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. including getting the support and guidance you need to understand all of your options and pick a health insurance plan.

Reasons To Buy Life Insurance

Many people do not even consider buying life insurance because they think it is a waste. However, in fact, life insurance is one of the best ways to protect your beloved ones and provide them with the financial security that they may need in the event of your death. Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. serving Westerville, OH and other surrounding towns prepared a list of reasons why having life insurance is a good idea: 

You Are Supporting Someone Financially

The rule is simple: if there is someone who depends financially on your income, having life insurance is worth it. According to the statistics, over 6.2 million Americans support someone financially. If you are one of them, getting life insurance is the right thing to do. 

You Have Debts

If you pass away, your debts will not just disappear. If you have a mortgage on a house or car loan, your family members will be responsible for paying off the debt. Therefore, purchasing a life insurance policy that will help with repayment is a good idea. 

You Want to Cover Your Children’s Future Education

As a parent, you want to make sure that your children get a good education. There are several different ways to save money for your children’s college, and life insurance is one of them. With a life insurance policy, you know that your child will have a financial opportunity to pay for their college if you are not around anymore. 

Life Insurance Is Affordable

Many people may not know but life insurance is pretty affordable. Moreover, the healthier and younger you are, the cheaper a policy will be. 

We Are Here to Help You 

Having life insurance today is not a luxury anymore – it is an easy and smart way to purchase financial protection for the people you love and get peace of mind. If you are currently looking for an insurance company in Westerville, OH, or any other surrounding town, Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. is ready to help you. Our experienced and knowledgeable insurance agents will answer all your questions and help find a policy you need based on the insurance needs and budget. Feel free to contact us for more information. 

Required Auto Insurance in Ohio

Driving in Ohio requires a number of different minimum coverages to stay legal. The Ohio Financial Responsibility Law sets the amounts and makes it mandatory to pay for an accident that you cause. When you go to renew your license or your auto registration, you have to sign a paper saying that you won’t drive without insurance. Ohio also has the Random Selection Program for drivers. This allows the Bureau of Motor Vehicles to pick you at random to prove that you have insurance. To make sure you have the coverage you need, call us at Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. in Westerville, OH.

Coverage for Bodily Injury

If you have caused an accident, you will be responsible for the medical bills of the other parties in the accident. This type of coverage is called bodily injury liability, and you must maintain a minimum amount of it that will cover each person who has been injured in the accident. There is another amount that you must carry in order to pay the medical bills of more than one person who were in the accident. It’s often recommended to add to your bodily injury coverage, as medical bills have gotten more expensive in recent years. 

Coverage for Property Damage

Property damage is the other required part of insurance in Ohio. There is a specific minimum amount you must have for any damage you cause to someone’s property during the accident. This may include another vehicle from the accident or even someone’s building if your car did damage to one. 

Call For Your Appointment

If you need auto insurance, don’t let another day go by. Call us at Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. in Westerville, OH to make your appointment with a knowledgeable insurance agent about your coverage. 

A Guide To Help Ohio Residents Find The Right Auto Insurance Policy

Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. serves the Westerville, OH community, as well as the surrounding areas, by offering residents multiple types of insurance policies. We strive to provide dependable service to our clients when they need it most. For over 30 years, we have established great relationships with multiple carriers throughout the Midwest.

Auto Insurance

Auto Insurance helps you stay safe on the road as you travel through Westerville OH and beyond. Auto insurance primarily protects you if you are involved in a collision with another vehicle and damages occur. Liability coverage will cover you if you are believed to be responsible for the damages caused by the accident. Liability coverage also protects you if you are held liable for injuries that your passenger sustained during an accident.

Comprehensive coverage protects your vehicle if it is vandalized due to a fire or natural disaster. You will also be protected if you are a victim of car theft. Uninsured motorist coverage will protect you if you are involved in an accident with someone who doesn’t have any insurance. Emergency assistance is also an asset, as a disaster can happen at any moment. The policy will cover you if you have engine troubles or a flat tire. In addition to roadside assistance, you’ll also have access to towing services. You can amend your policy to include rental coverage if you need to seek alternative transportation while your vehicle is being repaired.

Your policy may differ based on the amount of driving that you plan to do. If you plan to keep your vehicle in storage when you aren’t using it, you can add coverage to protect your vehicle if an accidental fire starts or another type of disaster happens at the facility.

Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. Will Help You Drive Safely

Visit our website today to learn more information on auto insurance.